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Why I loved my wedding

Today marks my one month anniversary to my husband (a word I still haven’t got used to saying!) and I thought that meant it was a good time to kickstart the blog for 2018 and share the top ten reasons I loved my wedding.

I have also decided that my mind works more in lists, so in addition to “Why I” posts, I will also have more frequent Top Ten lists, simply as a landing page for some of my thoughts and rankings!  To merge both of these ideas, I have a list of the top ten memorable moments OR why I loved our wedding last month.

  1. Waiting in the bridal suite with my dad before walking down the aisle.  Specifically, when he walked to the mirror in the corner and was making sure he looked sharp.  Remembering this moment has a 100% chance of bringing tears to my eyes, even a month later.
  2. Pictures after the ceremony with PQ.  The specific moment the photographer told me to “look over at your husband” and all I could see was the ring on his finger.  Rings are symbolic for a reason — I just didn’t realize how much it would mean to me.
  3. Kerri’s speech that brought the house down a couple times!  She said she wrote it the night before, which was crazy for how perfect it was.  I knew she was going to mention back scratches, but she also brought up my desire to sell knives door-to-door, which I was not expecting!
  4. When I asked a male guest to get me a Corona Light near the end of the night and the bartender said they were out.  Then the friend said “It’s for the bride” and he immediately pulled one out of the bar!  I didn’t know that line actually worked!
  5. When Sam got emotional during the welcome to the crowd at the beginning of the ceremony.
  6. Phil’s secret groomsmen dance.  He had said he was off “writing his vows” for 2 full days.  It seemed like a long time, and I knew he must have been up to something else, but never in a million years did I think he was going to get his groomsmen to participate in a choreographed line dance.
  7. Taking a photo with all of the Sias’ and Spangenbergs.  Nothing better than old friends, and it was truly another family photo.
  8. Reciting my vows to PQ.  Even though I needed a couple prompts from Sam, I knew they were from the heart and I meant every word.
  9. Seeing how great and how happy my mom looked. Her dress was amazing, hair and makeup were SO good, and the smile on her face the entire day is unforgettable.  (The same can be said about PQ’s mom, I’m also happy to say)
  10. The last dance of the night (What a Wonderful World) with PQ.  We hugged afterwards and I remember being speechless staring at him.  We both couldn’t believe it was over, but also how perfectly it had all gone.
  11. BONUS: I never would have thought I could last all day (9 hours) wearing heels.  Not only did I wear them, but I thought they were comfortable!  That was definitely the most pleasant surprise of the day and I am now a lifetime customer of Shoes of Prey.


Piglet: How do you spell Love?

Pooh: You don’t spell Love, you feel it.

(Winnie the Pooh/A.A. Milne/The opening line of my vows to PQ)

Wedding Day – December 30, 2017

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