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Why I am doing 18 for 2018

18 for 2018 is the title of my New Year’s resolutions.  This is my first year using this approach (and before you say, DUH, I also did not do a 17 for 2017).  I chose this plan of attack for the new year because I was unhappy (read: uncommitted) with the goals I had set before the new year following the strategy I’ve used for the last 5 years and needed something different.

I didn’t know what I needed, but I ran across a new Podcast early in January (Happier, with Gretchin Rubin) and they were discussing the idea of “18 new things to do in 2018.”  I loved the idea and am trying it out this year!  They were also discussing the idea of choosing one word that guides your year (e.g., growth, delegation, grace), but I did not choose to pursue that as well.

In no particular order, my 18 for 2018 are below, with updates, if applicable.

  1. Wednesday date night with Phil (we started this last year, but it’s been really important to us to take a night off with each other, and so far so good!)
  2. See 20 movies in the theater.  (every time I see a movie in the theater I think, “I love this, I should do it more often,” so I decided to commit to it!  My friend gave me a Movie Pass subscription for Christmas (thanks Sami!) so this should be an affordable and attainable goal).
  3. Successfully propose dissertation (this is the reason I have so far only seen 1 movie [see above goal]!  But, the plan is to be done with this big milestone next Wednesday….)
  4. Set up a home gym in the basement (zero progress, but lots of time left)
  5. Stop biting nails (does anyone have any tips for how this can seriously be done?  I think it’s impossible)
  6. Get name changed with all important entities (just received the marriage certificate in the mail. Next step: Social Security Office. Wish me luck).
  7. Donate $2,000 to charity ($123. May need to kick it up a notch)
  8. Wake up 4 times a week at 6 AM (NOT going well.  Alas)
  9. Visit 5 National Parks (2 down on the honeymoon.  Planning trip to Arizona in March to see 1-2 of the ones there.  Last one a mystery)
  10. Send thank yous for the wedding (about 75% of these have been written and sent. apologies to the remaining 25%)
  11. Make a wedding photo book (haven’t even picked a style. Will attack this when #3 is done)
  12. Plan (and take) extended honeymoon to Switzerland (zero progress, but we like daydreaming)
  13. Try 10 new recipes (three down.  Highly recommend my friend’s spring roll recipe and would actively dissuade anyone from every cooking brussel sprouts in the crock pot)
  14. Submit 2 papers to journals (pending completion of one, a lot of year left though)
  15. Volunteer once a month (I didn’t do anything in January, but I have signed up for Girls on the Run which starts in March, and have discussed a position at the University District Food Bank when #3 is over).
  16. Can pepper jelly and jam (I have done the pepper jelly! I didn’t *love* the first recipe I made, but it was no doubt a success, and I have reached out to a friend with a great habanero recipe to give that a shot later!)
  17. See family 4 times a year (this can be either Phil or my family [preferably BOTH] and we are at zero.  I plan to see Kerri early spring to help her plant her garden, and we have a trip to Iowa planned in May.  Getting to Switzerland would also allow us to see Phil’s sister and maybe Kevin)
  18. Read 31 books (the reason for 31 is simply that I read 30 last year so I decided to one-up myself. I have already read 6, so this is undoubtedly my most successful goal so far)

What do you think of my 18 goals for 2018?  Do you do resolutions?  If so, please share how you make them and what they are!  I would love to hear.

“Start your day with a plan, end it in gratitude, and fill the middle part with hustle.”


January 2018, Badwater Basin

“It’s all uphill from here” – Phil (on our honeymoon in Death Valley, the lowest place in the United States

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